Jumat, 10 Januari 2020

Dihybrid Cross Drosophila melanogaster

Dihybrid Cross Drosophila melanogaster


Which made by:
Ilham Nur
International Class Program of Biology (B)


Complete report of Basic Biology with title Dihybrid Cross Drosophila melanogasterwhich made by:
Name               : Ilham Nur
Reg. Number   : 1414440012
Class                : ICP B
Group              : III
Has been checked by Assistant and Assistant coordinator, so this report is accepted.

Makassar, January 4th 2016
Coordinator Assistant,

Ferry Irawan


                    Ferry Irawan


The Lecturer of Lab

Hartati,S.Si,M.Si, Ph.D

A.    Background
 Dihybrid genotype is heterozygous at two loci. Dihibrida formed four gametes are genetically different from the frequency that is approximately the same as the random orientation of the pair of chromosomes nonhomologous at first meiotic metaphase disc. Cross test (test cross) is a marriage of true unknown genotype with a homozygous recessive genotype at all loci that are being discussed. Phenotypes type of offspring produced by a cross test revealed a wide number of gametes formed by parental genotypes tested. It aims to get an overview of the cross dihibrida dsn test results using the chi-square test testing were performed on Saturday 24 november, using cardboard red green, red, yellow, white, green, white and yellow.
Dihybrid dominant and intermediate results obtained that the average of the data classes and personal data in accordance with the laws of Mendel characterized by if the calculated value is less than the table at df then in accordance with the laws of Mendel and vice versa, in a cross-class data monohibrid intermediates do not match with Mendel law, this discrepancy can be caused due to the agitation before taking studs uneven. This inheritance law to follow a regular pattern and repeated from generation to generation. By studying how a single gene inheritance will understand the mechanism of inheritance of a trait and how a trait still exist in the population. Likewise it will be understood how the inheritance of two or more properties Many properties in plants, animals and microbes are governed by a single gene. Gen-sgen. Individual genes in diploid form of pairs of alleles, and each parent inherited one allele of a gene pair had to offspring. Inheritance can be known from parents to offspring genetically called heredity.
Mendel did this cross and harvest 315 round pea-yellow, 101 wrinkled pea-yellow, 108 round-green and wrinkled pea-green 32. Just 32 wrinkled pea-green which is a single genotype. These results make Mendel established the hypothesis that the last (second Mendel's laws). Distribution of the pairs of factors does not depend on the distribution of the other partner. This is known as the law of free elections. Characteristic of Mendel's work is that he was a careful and plant all pea and prove the existence of separate genotypes between each pea with new combinations of characteristics
A.    Purpose
This Practicum purpose to make student know about  intended The exercise dihybrid cross in Drosophila melanogaster The observed phenotypic segregation ratios in dihybrid inheritance.
The exercise test using chi-square (x squared)
B.     Benefit
The student can know about  phenotypic segregation ratios in dihybrid inheritance. do exercises using chi-square test (x squared).

Mendel's laws II called asortasi law. Mendel used peas to dihybrid, which is in the seeds there are two different properties, namely about the shape and color of seeds. Dihybrid cross is a cross with two very different properties associated with the laws of Mendel II that reads "independent assortment of genes". Or groupings of genes freely. This law applies when the formation of gametes, in which genes sealel freely go to the respective poles when meiosis. B for round seeds, b for shriveled grains, K for yellow and k for the color green. If the pea plant round seeds yellow homozygote (BBKK) crossed with green wrinkled seeds (BBKK), then all the F1 plants yielding seed yellow round. If the plant is allowed pollinated F1 back, then this plant will form the four kinds of either male or female gametes each with a combination of BK, Bk, Bk, bk. Consequently derivative produced 16 kombinasi.yang F2 consists of four different phenotypes, ie 9/16 round yellow, round green 3/16, 3/16 and 1/16 wrinkled wrinkled yellow green. Two of the phenotype is similar to the original parent and the other two is a new variation (Chhabra, 2013)
Mendel's laws II is a grouping of genes freely apply when making of gametes. Where genes sealel freely go to each pole of meiosis. The law of evidence used in dihybrid or polihibrid, which is a cross of two individuals who have two or more characters berdeba. This law is also called the law Asortasi.Hibrid is derived from a cross between two genetically different individuals namely Crosses dihybrid crosses with two very different properties associated with Mendel's laws II that reads "Independent assortment of genes". BebasArti or groupings of such hybrid gene is also expressed by GardnerRatio. Classic phenotype resulting from marriage dihibrida is 9: 3: 3: 1 ratio is obtained by alleles at both loci showed dominant and recessive relationship. This ratio can be modified if or both loci have dominant alleles and allele lethal (Beckingham , 2005)
 Two different properties that Mendel studied, namely the shape and color of peas. In the previous studies it is known that seed round (W) dominant to wrinkled seeds (w), and resulted in a ratio of 3: 1. In the F2 offspring, Mendel also found that yellow seed color (G) is dominant over green beans (g), and segregation with ratio 3: 1. Crosses dihibrida pea seed in the round yellow and green wrinkled seed in generating a phenotype ratio of 9: 3: 3: 1. Ratio of genotype can be obtained by adding the same genotypes among 16 genotypes seen in the triangle Punnett  (Parvathi, 2009).
Mendel raised hundreds of pea plants for his experiments, and he learned a lot about how they passed on traits from one generation to another. He noticed that for some traits, like flower color or seed shape, different plants would show only two forms of the trait. For example, plants had either white or purple colored flowers, or rounded or wrinkly seeds. He could also produce a pure line of plants that would only produce offspring with one form of a single trait, so that purple flowered plants always had purple flowered offspring.  A hybrid, then, is a plant that is the result of a cross between two plants that are both pure for different forms of the same trait (Wiles, 2013).
     Due to the flies’ heterozygosity, the genotype of the F1 generation was Ss for eye color and Aa for the apterous mutation. The parent generation of the dihybrid flies consisted of one fly homozygous dominant for both the eye color and the wing presence (SSAA), and the other fly was homozygous recessive for both genes (ssaa). If the inheritance patterns followed Mendel’s hypothesis demonstrating segregation and independent assortment, the F2 generation flies for monohybrid crosses (Ss x Ss) will exhibit a 3:1 phenotypic ratio of wild-type or red eyes to sepia eyes. On the other hand, the phenotypic rasio resulting from the dihybrid cross (SsAa x SsAa) will be a 9:3:3:1 of red eyed and winged, red eyed and wingless, sepia eyed and winged, sepia eyed and wingless, respectively the end of a wand. The wand was then inserted into the vial containing the F1 generation of flies, in a manner which allowed none of the flies to  escape (Wiles, 2013).

A.    Time and Place
Day/Date   : Friday / January 6th 2017
Time          : 10 am. until 12 am.
Place          : Laboratory of biology
B.     Tools and Material
      1.      culture bottles
      2.      petri dish
      3.      bottle tranquilizer
      4.      small brush
      5.      plastic foam or cork pads
      6.      White paper
      7.      ether
      8.      Binocular microscope
C.    Work Procedure
      1.      Take five female virgin ebony with five male taxi in a bottle crosses
      2.      Move or turn off all of the individual parental after eight days
      3.      Observe the phenotype of the F1 generation of the body color and the shape of its wings
      4.      Perform a cross between the F1 sesame in a new medium
      5.      Move or turn off all of the individual F1 after eight days crossing
      6.      Calculate each type of individual F2 obtained (the sum of all individual F2 at least 300 fish)
      7.      Examine the results of the calculation of F2 flies with chi-square test (X2)
      8.      Include observations on the test table X2


A.    Result

Observation Result

1.      larva

2.      pupa

B.     Discussion
Before performing an experiment, to know how heredity. Two pairs supervised by a pair of genes located on different chromosomes. For example Mendel experimented with peas plant that has two different properties. At first crop of pure strains that have round yellow seeds crossed with pure strains of plants that have wrinkled seeds are green, then F1 entirely of plants that have seeds yellow round. The seeds of the F1 plants are then planted again and the growing plant pollination allowed to hold one another to obtain the F2 offspring with 16 combination shows a comparison 9/16 round yellow grain crops: 3/16 seeded round green: 3/16 seeded wrinkles yellow: 1/16 wrinkled seed in green or say the comparison is (3: 3: 1).
Dihybrid formed four gametes are genetically different from the frequency that is approximately equal because the random orientation of the pair of chromosomes nonhomologous at first meiotic metaphase disc. When two dihibrida crossed, will produce four kinds of gametes in the same frequency both in males and females. A board-check the genetic 4 x 4 can be used to show the 16 gametes are possible. Ratio classic phenotype resulting from marriage genotype dihibrida is 9: 3: 3: 1. This ratio is obtained when alleles at two loci showing the relationship dominant and recessive.
Phenotype-genotype type offspring produced by a cross test revealed a wide number of gametes formed by parental genotypes tested. When all the individual gametes known, then that individual genotypes will also be known. A cross test monohibrida produce a phenotype ratio of 1: 1, indicating that there is one factor that separates pairs. A cross test dihibrida yield ratio of 1: 1: 1: 1, indicating that there are two factors that separated pairs and berpilih freely. A dihibrida genotype is heterozygous at two loci. Dihibrida formed four ssgamet that are genetically different from the frequency that is approximately the same as the random orientation of the pair of chromosomes nonhomologous at first meiotic metaphase disc. Cross test (test cross) is a marriage of true unknown genotype with a homozygous recessive genotype at all loci that are being discussed.
If two pairs of linked genes not present in the hybrid, the F2 phenotype ratio is 9: 3: 3: 1. dihibrida cross test plant produces a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 1 ;. The more the number of genes (alleles pairs) an increasing number of genetic and phenotypic classes in F2. Branch line method in genetic analysis to simplify the determination of classes and genotipe.Dan phenotype can be seen that the possibility of opportunities between these genes is 9: 3: 3: 1 and the chances of that happening if the experiment does not show results like these, it means having epistasif properties. Factors (alleles) that set different character (two or more properties are known) separates freely when formed gametes.

A.    Conclusion
From the practical conclusion regarding such dihybrid cross dihybrid crosses or hybridized is a cross (crossbreeding) with two properties beda.Percobaan has done is merpakan Law of Free Choice: Where segregation of a pair of genes does not depend on other gene pairs of segregation, resulting in gametes -gamet formed will occur selection of a combination of genes freely and dihybrid crosses, always produces a normal phenotype.
B.     Suggestion
Better set well the schedule for next and always acompany the student to the practice, so all the mistake won’t happen.
Beckingham kathleen m. 2005. Drosophila melanogaster - the model organism of choice for the complex biology of multi-cellular organisms. Gravitational and space biology journal. Vol 18(2). Department of biochemistry and cell biology, ms-140, rice university, houston. Texas
Chhabra, Ria. et all. 2013. Organically Grown Food Provides Health Benefits to Drosophila melanogaster. International Journal of Advanced Research. Volume 8, Issue 1 Clark High School, Plano, Texas, United States of America, 2 Department of Biological Sciences, Southern Methodist University. Dallas, Texas, United States of America
Parvathi, deepa v, et all. 2009. Wonder animal model for genetic studies - drosophila melanogaster its life cycle and breeding methods. Journal of medicine. Vol. Ii, issue 2. Department of human genetics sri ramachandra university porur. Chennai
Wiles, Spencer. Et all. 2013. Inheritance Patterns in Monohybrid and Dihybrid                   Crosses              for  sepia eye color and apterous (wingless) Mutations in Drosophila melanogaster. Journal            of Sciences. Vol 2.

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