Jumat, 03 Februari 2017


Multiple alel 

Which made by:
Ilham Nur
ICP B Biology


Complete report of Basic Biology with title multiple genswhich made by:
Name               : Ilham Nur
Reg. Number   : 1414440012
Class                : ICP B
Group              : 3
has been checked by Assistant and Assistant coordinator, so this report is accepted.

Makassar, January    2017
Coordinator Assistant,

              Ferry Irawan, SPd


                      Ferry Irawan, SPd


The Lecturer of Lab

Hartati,S.Si,M.Si, Ph.D

A.    Background
World genetics is a field of science that is essential for human life and cannot be separated from us. How not, every individual in this case is the human will continue to defend the offspring generation. And this at all directly related to the world of genetics. Often we encounter in everyday life state of someone who is affected by genetic offspring, one is the blood type that is associated with multiple alleles. Blood is so urgent role in the body's metabolism. Almost ninety percent of the work or metabolism of the body takes place in the blood. But we often encounter are various kinds of abnormalities in human blood. Call it difficult hemophilia or blood. In addition due to genetic problems, various other technical issues usually appear associated with blood for example, in blood transfusions. Often we encounter the fatal error in the blood transfusion process, the occurrence of agglutination or blood.
 This is due to ignorance we will each other's blood. If this happens, not only damage physiological conditions, but also can lead to death. It which led us to this lab, at least to the early each blood type, can be further minimize the possibilities as I earlier. It could even be a genetic reference in continuing descent and is expected to be a reference for the world disciplines of science, especially genetics. The blood of every person is different, depending on the blood group owned. Classification according to Landsteiner blood can be determined by using the system ABO and Rh factor (Rh) blood. Based Rh factor is determined by multiple alleles.
For ABO blood types are known by multiple alleles IA, IB and IO. Basically blood groups in humans are determined by multiple alleles known to exist 4, namely IA IA, IB IB, IA IB, and ii. Blood type is determined by allelic considered important to learn in order to know that in crossing multiple alleles can be found many combinations of alleles are crossed. Blood groups in humans based on ancestry, such as parents who IA IA IA IB in the mother and the father will produce offspring that IA IA, IB IB and II. In observation of the allelic, blood type is considered the easiest observation as an example of allelic other than blood type require considerable time and it takes a huge cost to be observed. For example allelic in fruit flies, to observe his double alleles takes a long time in the breeding.

A.    Purpose
To know more about the multiple alel  with do some direct observation
B.     Benefit
The student can know about the multiple alel and also can do the observation of gen.

Blood is a basic network consisting of two components, namely blood plasma that includes serum (blood fluid), platelets (cell fragments that help blood clotting), and protein. Most proteins are very much is albumin, immunoglobulin’s, fibrinogen and blood clotting enzyme. Another component that is solid component includes blood cells namely red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes), and keeping blood (platelets) (Beckingham , 2005)
To determine a person's blood type made the classification of blood based on the blood group owned because blood type is a special characteristic of blood from an individual because of different types of carbohydrates and proteins on the surface of red blood cell membranes. Two types of blood are the most important classification is the classification of ABO and Rhesus ( Anonymous, 2008).
A B O blood group were discovered by Landsteiner in 1990 and Landsteiner discovered the Rh factor together Weiner in 1942 is also determined by the allelic (Beckingham , 2005)
Name of Rhesus factor or Rh factor derived from Rhesus monkey species are known to have this factor in 1940 by Karl Landsteiner. Someone who does not have the Rh factor on the surface of red blood cells have the Rh blood group. Those who have the Rh factor on the surface of red blood cells called Rh + blood type. This type of classification is often combined with the ABO classification. Blood type O + is the most common, although in certain areas of class A more dominant, and there are also some areas with 80% of the population with blood (Parvathi, 2009).
Blood is the fluid contained in the heart and blood vessels, some other body fluids are (1) the tissue fluid, a bodily fluid contained in the space between cells (2) liquid lymph is a body that may be in the lymph vessels and organs of the lymph, organ lymph follows the lymph nodes, tonsils, Matthew, and lymph fluid serobasin spinal, a body fluid contained the space between the joints (3) Synovial, a body fluid contained joints (4) agues humor, the fluid contained in the ball eye (5) endolimf a body fluid contained in the inner ear that fills the membrane labiri (6) perilimf a body fluid contained inside the ear that is in the bone labiri (Parvathi, 2009).
The fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) is possible for most people is disturbing and disgusting animals especially these animals often become the enemy of the sellers of fruits and vending "juice". Its presence will make buyers reluctant to buy fruit or juice if a place to store fruit or leftover fruit rot or peel fruit that are thrown in the trash a lot surrounded by these flies. But who would have thought, in the hands of the fruit fly biology, especially for people who have been in the field of genetics of fruit flies actually become "animal belle". This Mendel's Law either 1 or Legal Segregation and the Law of Mendel II or Legal Separation Freely, sex linkage, crossing over,  polythene (Chhabra, 2013)
Each breed or events described in advance is determined by genes located on autosomes. In addition to known genes as well as genes that are called genes strung sex. The chain of events called the genitals or in the English called Sex. Usually the dominant gene showed effects on individual men and women, or male or female. New in the homozygous recessive state dominant influence it will not appear in the phenotype. If we put the right hand or the left right on a pedestal that there is a horizontal line such that the tip of the ring finger touching the line, then we can know whether our index finger will be longer or is shorter than the ring finger. In most people the index finger will not reach the line that identifies that some individuals may have the same absolute gene content of inactivity chromosome creates a sub-population to distinguish the content (Chhabra, 2013)

                                                     CHAPTER III                                                       

A.    Time and Place
Day / Date            : Monday, November 2016
Time                     : at 10.50 until 11.30 pm
Place                     : Biology Laboratory 2nd Floor of the east, Faculty of      Mathematic and  Sience, state University of Makassar.
B.     Tools and Materials
a.       Blood lancet 37 pieces
b.     The slides 1 piece
1. Alakohol 70% 1 drop
2. Serum anti-A
3. Serum anti-B
4. Cotton clean taste
C.    Work Procedure
As for how the work done in this lab are as follows:
1. Prepare tools and materials.
2. Cleaning one of the fingers of the left hand with cotton soaked in 70% alcohol, let the alcohol dry out.
3. Attaching blood lancet on the fingertip and massage the blood lancet so that the lancet tip piercing the fingertip and there was bleeding.
4. Delete the first drops of blood out of the wound with a clean cotton, and let the blood drip next out of the wound.
5. Drops of blood on the plate drops, then shed a serum anti-A and anti-B serum on each droplet of blood.
6. Homogenize the blood drop before using things and observe where there is not even occur clotting or clumping.
7. Noting the results of the identification of blood groups based on the following table


A.    Result

(Picture of determined the Blood Type)

Table of Blood Type in Class
Probandus Name
A. Basliahwanti Murti


Vivi Salvia Baharsyah

Ilham Nur

Sitti Nurafiah

Eva Erviana

Khaerul Muttaqin

Sri Hartini Nur

Riska Wulandari


Dian Angreani

Nurul Annisa Husain

Fadhilah Misbah darwis

Eunike Christy Padati


Ayyub Zulfajrin


Bertha Tandi

Amilussholiha Taslim

Nur Intan wulandari

D.    Data analysis
The data analysis get with the calculate by the formula:
Percentage Blood Type For Class ICP B
Blood Type A        =  x 100 %  = 35%                 
Blood Type B       =  x 100 %  = 30%   
Blood Type AB    =  x 100 % = 0 %
Blood Type O       x 100 % = 35 %
A.    Discussion
In the process of blood transfusion, the blood type A should not donate blood to people with blood type B and AB, this is because the blood type A have antinogengen A but antibody B, while the blood type AB both have anti-A and anti-B, if antigen A (found in people with blood type A), met with the anti-A (found in people with blood type B), there will be clotting. Likewise, people who have blood B, should not donate blood in people who have anti-B blood (blood group A or AB). People who AB blood can receive blood from someone with blood type A and those with blood type B, because people with blood type AB have no anti-A and anti-B, otherwise people with blood type O cannot receive blood from people who diversified blood A and B and AB blood for blood group O have anti-anti-A and anti B.
That the observation that we talk, and then the result of the observation that the frequensi of the A is 28, 57 % and then the frequensi of the B is 42, 85 % and then the frequensi of the AB is 0 and then the frequensi of the frequensi of the 28,, 57 %. And then the data of the class frequensi type that A about 20, 69 %, and then 17, 24 % and then the AB about 10, 35 % and the last is 51, 72 %. The data has the compleat about all the type of blood of the student, so that we can see the total of group for all the type of the blood, and then we can know also that the variation of the blood type of human are different for the each other because the effect of alel and then the effect of the gen for the people, so that we know the different for all the type of blood and the match of the blood who’s match or not, because not for something else wrong that the blood can be match if the blood not same as the first talk in discussion.
And the last of the discussion that we inform about the procedure of the multiple alels on this observation, becarefully and need much consentration to determine the data for each of type the blood.  

A.    Conclusion
Blood type in humans is determined by the presence or absence aglitinogen aglitinogen A and B in their blood cell. Blood type in humans can be determined by using systems of ABO and Rh factor. In the process of blood transfusion, the blood type A should not donate blood to people with blood type B and AB, this is because the blood type A have antigen A but antibody B, while the blood type AB both have anti-A and anti-B, if antigen A (found in people with blood type A), met with the anti-A (found in people with blood type B), there will be clotting.
B.     Suggestion
It was good I thought so far only for this lab work.

Beckingham kathleen m. 2005. Drosophila melanogaster - the model organism of choice for the complex biology of multi-cellular organisms. Gravitational and space biology journal. Vol 18(2). Department of biochemistry and cell biology, ms-140, rice university, houston. Texas

Chhabra, Ria. et all. 2013. Organically Grown Food Provides Health Benefits to Drosophila melanogaster. International Journal of Advanced Research. Volume 8, Issue 1 Clark High School, Plano, Texas, United States of America, 2 Department of Biological Sciences, Southern Methodist University. Dallas, Texas, United States of America

Parvathi, deepa v, et all. 2009. Wonder animal model for genetic studies - drosophila melanogaster its life cycle and breeding methods. Journal of medicine. Vol. Ii, issue 2. Department of human genetics sri ramachandra university porur. Chennai

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