Jumat, 03 Februari 2017




Which made by:
Ilham Nur
ICP B Biology


Complete report of genetic practicum with the title “DNA ISOLATION” that arranged by:
Name                     : Ilham Nur
ID                          : 1414440012
Class                      : ICP B
Group                    : 3
has been checked by assistant and assistant coordinator, so this report was accepted

                                                                                    Makassar 05 January 2017

Asistant Coordinator                                                  Asistan

Ferry  Irawan ,S.Pd                                                     Ferry Irawan ,S.Pd


A.    Background
Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is a chemical compound that is most important in life. DNA creature is a compound that contains the genetic information of living beings from one generation to the next. The entire DNA in a cell will form the genome. Genome includes genes that are part of the functional and non-functional in the cells of organisms. DNA genome includes genes danintergen. DNA is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic material and serves to regulate the biological development of all forms of life in a cell.
DNA found in the nucleus, mitikondria, and chloroplasts. Third difference is linear and shaped nucleus DNA is closely associated with histone proteins, while the DNA of mitochondria and chloroplasts circular shaped and are not associated with histone proteins. In addition mitochondrial DNA and chloroplast has a characteristic, which is only inherited traits come from the mother. While nuclear DNA has a pattern of inheritance from both parents. Judging from the organism, the structure of prokaryotic DNA and histone proteins do not have a circular shape, while the form of linear eukaryotic DNA and have a histone protein. DNA isolation is a step in studying DNA.
One prinsipisolasi DNA is by centrifugation. Centrifugation a mixture untukmemisahkan techniques based on molecular weight components. Molecules that have a large molecular weight will be on the bottom of the tube and the lighter molecules will be at the top of the tube. Centrifugation results will show two kinds of separate fractions, namely the supernatant at the top and pellet on the bottom

     B .     Purpose
The purpose on this practicum that to know how to isolated DNA by using the simple             
     C.    Benefit
The student can more know how to isolate DNA by the simple practicum at Isolate DNA


In eukaryotic cells including plants and animals are the biggest part of the DNA in the nucleus is an organelle that is separated from the cytoplasm by a membrane. The nucleus consists of 90% of total cellular DNA. Residual DNA are organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts. Because the DNA found in the nucleus, it is necessary for cell pelisisan method to harvesting the cells. Wherein the method is part of the DNA isolation method Separation of DNA from other cellular material is significant and requires penyallinan DNA into RNA and translation of RNA into proteins takes place in compartment (space) are different, namely in a row in the nucleus and cytoplasm (Beckingham , 2005)
There is a double membranous organelles in the cytoplasm, including the mitochondria in both plants and animals. Therefore it is necessary to isolate DNA in plants and animals to learn and study the DNA of plants and animals. Eukaryotic cells have more DNA, complete with other components. DNA of plants and animals stored in nucleusyang encased by a membrane. Isolation of DNA is the right step for studying DNA. In principle there are two, namely the centrifugation and presipitasi.Sentrifugasi is a technique for separating mixtures based on molecular weight components. Molecules that have a large molecular weight will be on the bottom of the tube and the lighter molecules will be at the top of the tube. Centrifugation results will show two kinds of separate fractions, namely the supernatant at the top and pellets at the bottom. Precipitation is a step that is carried out to precipitate a component of the (Chhabra, 2013)
DNA in living organisms can be isolated simply. DNA isolation can simply be done by breaking the cell wall, the plasma membrane and nuclear membrane either mechanically or chemically. Isolation of DNA is a technique used to obtain pure DNA, ie without the protein and RNA from a cell in the network. Mechanically breaking the cell wall can be done with pemblenderan or grinding using a mortar and pistil. While chemically can be done with the detergent. The addition of liquid soap and salt is to lyse the nuclear membrane to release the contents of the cell nucleus which contains DNA (Parvathi,  2009)
DNA Isolation can be done through the stages include: preparation of cell extracts, purification of DNA from ekstrsk cells and DNA precipitation. Although DNA isolation can be done in various ways, but in any kind or plant part may give different results, this is due to compounds called polyphenols and polysaccharides in high concentrations can inhibit DNA purification. If the sample DNA isolation is done with fruit, the water content in each of the different pieces, can give different results as well. The higher the water content, the cells are dissolved in the extract will be less, so that the DNA terpretisipasi also be (Parvathi, 2009).
Each breed or events described in advance is determined by genes located on autosomes. In addition to known genes as well as genes that are called genes strung sex. The chain of events called the genitals or in the English called Sex. Usually the dominant gene showed effects on individual men and women, or male or female. New in the homozygous recessive state dominant influence it will not appear in the phenotype. If we put the right hand or the left right on a pedestal that there is a horizontal line such that the tip of the ring finger touching the line, then we can know whether our index finger will be longer or is shorter than the ring finger. In most people the index finger will not reach the line that identifies that some individuals may have the same absolute gene content of inactivity chromosome creates a sub-population to distinguish the content of active genes      (Parvathi, 2009)
The addition of detergent in the isolation of DNA can cause damage to the cell membrane, through the bonds formed through the hydrophobic detergent with proteins and fats in the membrane forming compounds "protein-detergent lipid complex". The compounds can be formed as proteins and lipids have a hydrophilic and hydrophobic end, as well as detergents, so as to form a chemical bond (Ramesh, 2014)


A.    Time and Place
Day / Date            : Friday, January 6th 2016
Time                     : 10.00 am – 11.30 am
Place                      : Biology Laboratory 2nd Floor of the east, Faculty of     Mathematic and Sience, state University of Makassar.
B.     Tools and Materials
1.      Tools
a.       Reaction tube
b.      Knife
c.       Pipette
d.      Beaker class
e.       Mortal
2.      Materials
a.       Pear
b.      Drogon Fruit
c.       Kiwi
d.      Strawberry
e.       Detergent
f.       Salt
g.      Ethanol

C.    Work Procedure

fruit crush using mortar then added aquades and detergent until homogen
Choose the good for the friut and cut by uing knife,

Filter solution of Friut and detergent into beaker glass then pull into reaction tube
Added NaCL and Cold Ethanol and turn on the Stopwatch wait untill reaction


A.   Observation Result
a. Kiwi

b. Dragon Fruit

c. Pear

d. Strawberry

B.   Discussion
The main principle in the isolation of DNA, there are three namely the destruction (lysis), DNA extraction or separation of solid materials such as cellulose and proteins, as well as DNA purification. In addition there are two principles in conducting DNA isolation, ie centrifugation and precipitation. The main principle is centrifuged to separate the substance by weight types of molecules by providing a centrifugal force so that the heavier substances will be at the bottom, while the lighter substances will be located above. Centrifugation techniques are performed in a machine called a centrifuge machines at varying speeds.
 In this experiment, we performed the isolation of DNA derived from two types of fruit which has a different water content. The purpose of this experiment is to isolate or separate the DNA from plants. The method This experiment was conducted in the destruction (lysis) and extraction. The first treatment given to the fruit is peeled and cut menajadi smaller size, it is done so at the time of the destruction of the fruit is crushed into particles - smaller particles. The next stage is to add a mixture of detergent with water, it aims to damage the cell membrane of the fruit. The destruction of the cell membrane occurs due to the chemical bond formed between detergent with substances that exist on the fruit. After the addition of detergent next stage of penambahana salt as much as 1 spatula to each tube containing a mixture of fruit and detergent, the purpose of the addition of salt is to facilitate the separation of the threads of DNA from the mixture so that the threads will be easily observed. This happens because the Na + in salt can form a bond to the negative pole of DNA.Setelah phosphate bonding solution is added salt solution were homogenized on a vortex machine. From the experimental results obtained DNA isolation that is, differences in color on each tube containing a mixture of fruits, detergents, salts, and ethanol.Perubahan colors that occur due to differences in the composition of the DNA contained in each fruit. Besides the striking difference from the sixth solution is there are a lot or a little sediment at the nucleic acid.
This method does not require the cost of more expensive compared to using the kit. In addition, the advantages of this is the extraction of DNA bands yangdiproleh thicker when dibandinglan with phenol extraction method and without phenol. However, the results with this method there are ribbon smear and DNA generated fewer than extraction using a kit. Constraints common in the extraction of CTAB is the inhibitor on the host, the low concentration of vius and influence how and long storage time.


a.      Conclussion
            DNA isolation from the experiments that we can know the method or how to isolate DNA from a fruit used as a sample. Namely through how the destruction (lysis), extraction, and purification. The use of different detergents in the experiments conducted to determine the detergent in the form of what are the most active in destroying the cell membrane in each sample buah.Setelah conducted the experiment turned out to produce DNA coarse powder detergent, more visible and more white sediment.
b.      Suggestion
At all was good. Nothing suggest anymore.

Beckingham kathleen m. 2005. Drosophila melanogaster - the model organism of choice for the complex biology of multi-cellular organisms. Gravitational and space biology journal. Vol 18(2). Department of biochemistry and cell biology, ms-140, rice university, houston. Texas

Chhabra, Ria. et all. 2013. Organically Grown Food Provides Health Benefits to Drosophila melanogaster. International Journal of Advanced Research. Volume 8, Issue 1 Clark High School, Plano, Texas, United States of America, 2 Department of Biological Sciences, Southern Methodist University. Dallas, Texas, United States of America

Parvathi, deepa v, et all. 2009. Wonder animal model for genetic studies - drosophila melanogaster its life cycle and breeding methods. Journal of medicine. Vol. Ii, issue 2. Department of human genetics sri ramachandra university porur. Chennai

Ramesh, B.Y, et all, 2014. Carbohydrate and protein are an attribute to enhance the life-history determinants in Drosophila. International Journal of Advanced Research. ISSN 2320-5407. Volume 2. Issue 1. Centre for Applied Genetics, Bangalore University, Bangalore-560 056, Karnataka, India

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